
The Infinite Text Collective offers a vibrant space for critical-creative writing. Beyond the bounds of institutional pressures or disciplinary constraint, and against the depredations of late capitalism, we nourish writing that experiments in living critically and anchoring political praxes. Our sense of purpose and pedagogy grows out of a 15 year friendship built on shared writing and ongoing conversation. We have always talked about whatever was currently lighting up our minds: the supersonic dimensions of Clarice Lispector’s work, quantum computing as a metaphor for collective processing, or any number of other concerns about relationships, politics, and how to embody our convictions. These conversations weren’t academic or aimed at professional advance; they sought inspiration and solace and a deep, playful camaraderie premised on questioning—on experimentation—as an ethics and way of life. This is the spirit of collaboration we hope to cultivate in our classes, workshops, and project consultation. We launched our first class, Autotheory as Practice, in February 2022, where our theories of self and place mingled with and were refined alongside the theories of those who joined us. One year later, we have added workshops and project consultation to what we do. Our name, The Infinite Text Collective, reflects our expanded offerings and is inspired by one participant’s estimation of our class spaces: a loving community pursuing the pleasures of language and the elaboration of infinite texts.